The Department of Political Science was founded in 1990, the same year the college was established, and is, therefore, one of the oldest Departments in the college. We as a Department have grown from strength to strength along with the College.

The Department’s humble beginnings started with a single teacher, Shri. A. K Adhikari , who is serving the college since its inception till date. Others whose contribution to the Department cannot be forgotten include Shri. Trilochan Dash and Dr. Duryodhan Jena. Shri. T. Dash joined the Department in the year 1995 and left in the year 1999. Subsequently, Dr. D. Jena joined the Department in the year 1999 and left the college in 2016. In recent years, two new teachers- Shri. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam and Shri. Apphorozein Lamin have joined the Department in the year 2017 and 2018 respectively. The Department currently has three permanent faculty members. The undergraduate course that the Department teaches is in line with the syllabus that has been prescribed by NEHU.

Course Structure

Semester Elective Honours
1st Semester Political Theory
2nd Semester Major Political System
3rd Semester Indian Political System
Semester Honours
4th Semester International Politics
5th Semester Western Political Thought & Public Administration
6th Semester Government and Politics in North-East India & International Organisation

Programme Specific outcome:

  1. Enable the students to grasp a comprehensive and upto date description and analysis to the fundamental concepts of political ideas .Elucidating the nature of politics as a process and highlights the contemporary rules of political science and political philosophy which inspires students to think for themselves rather than for a ready made solution.

  2. A comprehensive study of the constitutions of the major countries of the world will enable students to grasp about the functioning of various forms of government ,to form an opinion as to which of the political system is worth adoption and which circumstances are congenial to the blossoming of a particular political system .This will help to cater various needs of students.

  3. Learn about politics of India with constitutional structures and institutions .Enriches the knowledge of students about the western political thinkers of the ancients and medieval period.

  4. Efforts are being made to appraise the global and regional politics along with the inter-state relationships. They are with the Indian political thought and movements from ancient to the medieval periods and became aware of the sociological and political issues including institutions and process . They are taught about the Organizations and theories of Public Administration with their applications in India.

  5. Promote students linkage with society and engage in socially productive activities and treatment of this subject would meet the requirements of this course offered.

  6. The concept and dimension of International Politics and highlight major debates within the different theoretical paradigms and aspect of balance of power among countries.

Course Outcome:

  1. Familiarity with different approaches to the study of politics and an ability to apply these to contemporary collective and political problems, and political behaviour.

  2. An ability to formulate and construct logical arguments about political phenomena and an ability to evaluate these through empirical and theoretical methods.

  3. An understanding of how political institutions emerge, how they operate, how they interact with their external environment, and how they shape individual and collective behavioural knowledge of basic factual information about politics within an area of specialization including political behaviour, comparative politics, international relations, political theory and methodology.

  4. Comprehend the basic structures and processes of government systems and theoretical underpinnings.

  5. Analyze political problems, arguments, information, and/or theories.

  6. Apply methods appropriate for accumulating and interpreting data applicable to the discipline of political science.

  7. Connect with community , world outlook and global society.

  8. Self awareness enables to understand weaknesses and strength and build a sense of self-esteemed and self- confidence.

  9. Understand within the ambit of internationalism and changing notion of justice and look afresh on democracy, feminism, environmentalism and development issue and active attention to the academic and other related community.


Sl. No. Name Area of Interest Qualification Desiganation Year of Joining
1. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam International Politics, Indian Govt. and Politics M.A., Ph.D, NET ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & HoD 2017
2. Shri. Apphorozein Lamin Amdep Political Theory, Western Political Thought M.A. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 2018
3. Shri. Mantre Passah   M.A. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 2023
4. Post Vacant        

  • Teaching

  • Evaluation (Internal – Test, and Assignment; External – Semester Examinations)

  • Tutorial/Remedial Classes and Student Seminars

  • Student Mentoring
  1. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam, “Traditional Political Institutions in Jaintia Hills: Raliang Dolloiship, in Revisiting Traditional Institutions in the Khasi-Jaintia Hills, Charles Rueben Lyngdoh (ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2016, pp. 93-111, (ISBN : 978-1-4438-9969-7)

  2. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam, “The Pattern of Land Ownership among the Jaiñtia of Meghalaya”, The Political Anvil, Vol. 5, No.1, 2016, pp, 67-83 (ISSN: 2319-7528)

  3. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam , “Changing Dimension of India-US Relations”, The Political Anvil, Vol. 3, No.1, 2014, (ISSN: 2319-7528)

  4. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam, “Revisiting Environmental and Legal issues of Rat-hole Coal Mining in Meghalaya”, International journal of advances in engineering and management, Vol. 3, No. 6, 2021, pp: 1887-1891. (ISSN: 2395-5252)

  5. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam, “Implications of Biden’s administration on the India-US relations”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2021, pp. 49-53., (ISSN: 2455-2070)

  6. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam, “Impact of change and modernity on the Jaiñtia traditional society”, MZU Journal of Literature and Cultural Studies, Vol. 8. No. 1, 2021, pp. 163-178. (ISSN: 2348-1188)
Vernacular Publication:
  1. Dr. Spainlinmi B. Lapasam,Ka Synshar Khadar Tynrai ha Ri Lum Jaiñtia: Ka Mynnor bad ka Myntain Ka Synshar Khadar Tynrai U Khasi Bad Ka District Council, A.W. Rani et. al. (eds.) Galaxy Book Centre, Shillong, 2017, pp. 69-93, (ISBN: 978-81-931440-7-7).