
From The Principal Desk

Education plays a key role in the overall development of the society. The role of education is definitely not limited to giving and grasping knowledge and theory. The true goal of education transcends much beyond just awarding degree and certificate to the students. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "By Education I mean an all round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit". The ultimate goal of education is the discovery of the meaning of life and the fulfillment of life and all mankind as well as for oneself. The quest of education is knowledge, humanity, culture, wisdom and sharpness but it should be noted that knowledge is not given but earned and character is not granted but cultivated.

Our College is recognized by UGC under section 2(f) 12B and Affiliated to NEHU, we as a leader in teaching and learning, student relationships and wellbeing. We create a safe social and physical environment that helps all our students learn and succeed. I am pleased to report that our dedicated approach to teaching and learning is seeing real benefits for our students.

As a leading co-educational public College in the town of Nongtalang and surrounding areas we emphasize developing and maintaining positive relationships. We focus on getting to know each student as an individual. This personal approach ensures we provide individual support and access to opportunities that are suited to each student’s chosen fields of interest.

Parents and visitors compliment us on the warm and orderly school atmosphere and our strong sense of community. We encourage all our students to develop high expectations about themselves, their work and their behaviour, which is an expression of our values of Personal Best, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility. There is a genuine sense of community amongst teachers, students and parents, which we are all very proud of.

Our approach involves working with parents to meet the individual needs of every student and supporting them to fulfil their academic and co-curricular goals and dreams.

List of Principals:

Sl. No. Name Year
1. (L) Shri. R.P. Das 1988 to 1990
2. (L) Shri. P.M. Tariang 1990 to 1993
3. (L) Shri. S.B. Bhattachryya 1993 to 1999
4. (L) Shri. Glenn Joseph Nongkhlaw 1999 to 2014
5. Shri. Famous Syiem 2014 to 2017
6. (L) Shri. P.M. Tariang 2017 to 2018
7. Shri. Famous Syiem 2018 to 2021
8. Dr. Ryan Reid Kharkongor 2021 till date